Poster Abstract Submission


Poster abstracts for LABCON2024

If accepted, at least one author must be present at the event to assemble and disassemble their poster. Set-up and tear-down times will be released at a later date.

Poster abstract submissions will be reviewed on the following criteria:

  • Introduction: Clear objectives and background
  • Relevance: Appropriateness to the medical laboratory profession
  • Materials and Methods: Clearly explained
  • Quality of Proposed Research and Results: Logical, clear and pertinent
  • Conclusion: Supported by presented information and clear summary

Abstract Instructions:

  • Word Limit:
    • 300 words total, not including title or authors.
    • References, tables, figures or grant acknowledgements should not be included.
  • Languages:
    • Poster abstracts will be accepted in English and French.
    • Use of standard abbreviations is desirable.

All poster presenters will be responsible for their own travel and conference registration costs.

Poster Abstract submission are now closed! 

Thank you to everyone that summitted.