Poster abstracts for LABCON2025
If accepted, at least one author must be present at the event to assemble and disassemble their poster. Set-up and tear-down times will be released at a later date.
Poster abstract submissions will be reviewed on the following criteria:
- Introduction: Clear objectives and background
- Relevance: Appropriateness to the medical laboratory profession
- Materials and Methods: Clearly explained
- Quality of Proposed Research and Results: Logical, clear and pertinent
- Conclusion: Supported by presented information and clear summary
Abstract Instructions:
- Word Limit:
- 300 words total, not including title or authors.
- References, tables, figures or grant acknowledgements should not be included.
- Languages:
- Poster abstracts will be accepted in English and French.
- Use of standard abbreviations is desirable.
All poster presenters will be responsible for their own travel and conference registration costs.
There will be no posters at LABCON2025.